Product Update - OceanFeed Poultry
Exciting news from our partners, Ocean Harvest Technologies!! Place your order here!
Ocean Harvest Technologies has just completed a dosing trial with broilers at the University of Guelph and preliminary results have been very positive. Here is a summary of the findings:
In starter phase, OFP at 0.5% OFP inclusion improved body weight (BW), body weight gain (BWG) and Feed conversion ratio (FCR). Response to OFP in the grower phase was similar to the starter phase with improvements in average daily feed intake (ADFI), BWG and FCR. In the finisher phase, only BWG was improved.
- Overall (d 0-42), final BW (d 42) of birds fed the control plus 0.5, was heavier than those fed the Control diet by 166 grams.
- Overall, birds fed 0.5% OFP had 2.2% better FCR relative to the control birds.
- Birds fed 0.5% OFP had 9.2% higher breast yield relative to the control birds.
- Mortality was reduced in birds fed the OFP diet compared to controls (1.4 vs 3.2%)
- Due to improved performance and survival rate, OceanFeedTM Poultry provided a return of investment of 108%
